How Would Like To Have an OnLine Forward Program For Your Toastmasters?® Club that could be updated in Real Time and Even Send Emails to Club Members for FREE!!! allows you to

  • Update who is doing what on an assignment template
  • Personalize the individual assignments for your club
  • Send emails to all club members with one mouse click
  • Allow members to volunteer for assignments with a single click of a mouse.
  • Let members know in a single email
  • Who is doing what at the next meeting
  • What assignments are available on the agenda
  • Let the VPE know automatically by email when a member volunteers for an assignment
  • Calculate your meeting dates given the day of the month you meet as far into the future as you want
  • Have a forward program that goes as far into the future as you want
  • No need to install software on your computer because everything runs from you web browser
  • All emails sent out are personalized for each member automatically
  • Have your forward program go as far into the future as you like
  • Emails sent are spam filter friendly because it sends emails to individual email addresses not a bulk email address
  • Video Tutorials on how to setup and use


® "Toastmaster" is a registered trademark of Toastmasters International. This Planned Agenda system is designed for use by Toastmasters Clubs, but is not sponsored by nor endorsed by Toastmasters International.